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Technology is best
when it brings people together,
Introducing ACM JUIT

Comutate Valemus

Let's Start
Web Development
Graphic Designing
Iot and ML
Cloud Computing
Android Development
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//Words About

Innovative Teams
to boost your creative Ideas

Acm student chapter waknaghat comprises of several teams which help the student grow and learn of their interests and where they can excel.

Web and Design

Web design is the process of creating websites.Graphic design means creating illustrations


Computer programming is the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result.


IOT or The Internet of Things refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature an IP address for internet connectivity

Data Science

Data science is the study of data. It involves developing methods of recording, storing, and analyzing data to effectively extract useful information

Our Teams

Some Interisting Facts

"Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession"
With this as their motto, The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is an international learned society for computing which was founded in 1947 with its headquarters in New York, United States , and is the world's largest scientific and educational computing society.

Happy Members
Our Events //

Some Words About Me

Our Awesome Events

We have a wide range of pneumatic and vacuum components and conveyor belts and systems specifically suiting the precise needs of the print and packaging industry.


01. -

Complete Data structure covered

Data structures bootcamp was a great way of making the students familiar with essentials to gear up for their sem course as well as go beyond that by holding discussions over available repositories and what more is there to explore. The advantages of the bootcamp consisted of students getting thorough with their knowledge on the topic and further develop an interest towards the same, the knowledge that can be gained on the topic is easier processing of data, information to be stored securely on disk very efficiently designing an efficient algorithm, provide management of databases and many more. It was a very enlightening session.

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Basic C Programming

02. -

Basics of programming in C language

Basic C programming sessions were taken up to refresh the programmers on different fundamentals of C language and solved various competitive questions throught the session. One must never forget where they came from, right? It also helped students new in the field of programming learn it thoroughly and gain knowledge from their peers. C is a highly portable structured programming language that can be used for enterprise applications, games, graphics, and applications requiring calculations. As a middle level language, C combines the features of both high level and low level languages. Thus students can use it for low level programming like scripting for drivers and kernels and also at the same time use it for high level programming like scripting for software applications.

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Graphic designing

03. -

CorelDraw, Photoshop and Illustrator covered

Graphic Designing was a great way of helping creative minds grow their hobby into their skills and was a workshop filled with different ways of showcasing one ideas through vectors and posters. This also helped students to discover where their interest was in the field and continue learning about it. It brought out the aesthetics of students and let them grow uniquely with their own creative ideas getting better with some guidance and support .
As Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography, iconography and illustrations, students under this learn to express their imagination freely, improve social skills , meet new designers and learn new techniques, get better access to resources and also when employed get a stable income.

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Web Development

04. -

HTML, CSS and JS done

The web is a dynamic sea of information. A week long web development bootcamp was organised for students to get some idea about web development. They were taught core design principles and front-end fundamentals in HTML and CSS. These core concepts that they developed helped them in further executing projects based on web development and showcasing them on different platforms such as various hackathons and codefests. It enhanced their frontend and backend knowledge and made their skillset more strong in the field of web development. The week long bootcamp also helped them in being consistent with the work that they performed and also clear their doubts as they utilised what they learned daily. Many assignments and quizes were also provided for their practice which boosted their confidence level. It was all in all a very productive session for the students.

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My Video Presentation

The ACM-JUIT is the student chapter in Jaypee university of information and technology waknaghat, with its core focus areas in the field of computing, networking, education and technological innovations.

My Youtube Chanel
//How We Work

How we Work

Our Working Process

We’re dedicated to technology that protects, empowers, and has a meaningful impact on people, families, and their communities. Our working process aims to foster an environment to grow and polish the technical skills of its members.

  • Vision

    We Validate: VALUES

    We look forward to bring forth people from different computing fields to continue with the the legacy, of passing down the skills and encourage advancement of technical people around.

  • Mission

    We Conquer : MISSION

    To build a tech-oriented environment throughout the campaign, facilitate tech enthusiasts, to recognise new possibilities and future advancements. ACM-JUIT supports, celebrates, and advocates the era of computer-machinery.

  • Values

    We Create : VISION

    Explore create and develop new ideas and to add to our stack of innovations after execution of those ideas. It is to work for the research, connect with peers and be your most creative self to flourish as a bright mind within the computing professional's world.


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